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Why I support replacing the EOIs with the ACT (Part I)

March 1, 2015

On Twitter and in this blog, I have often expressed support for the idea of eliminating the seven End-of-Instruction tests (EOIs) that our state requires and replacing them with the ACT. I have probably never explicitly spelled out my reasoning, though. While there is probably more momentum throughout Oklahoma for this idea now than there ever has been, I still know many educators, parents, and policy-makers who are not convinced. Fortunately, our new state superintendent is on board with the idea:Why I support replacing the EOIs with the ACT (Part I)

Over the next few blog posts, I will spell out my logic with ten eleven reasons (and counting) to make this change and five possible obstacles the state might face. First, let me give you a little background on my experience with the EOIs.


Prior to 2000, I really didn’t pay much attention to education policy. I was in my twenties (which is no excuse) and comfortable in my classroom at Mustang High School. Then, in 2001, the state rolled out two end-of-instruction tests: English II (which is what I taught all day) and US History. I wasn’t concerned with how my students would do on the test, but I didn’t appreciate the disruption. Two years later, as a result of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the state introduced the Algebra I and Biology I EOIs. The English II test became part of the NCLB accountability package. The US History test was optional under federal law, as it remains. Let’s put a pin in that thought for now.

In 2006, the state passed the Achieving Classroom Excellence Law (ACE) requiring that high school students, beginning with the freshman class of 2008-09, pass four of seven EOIs. Two of these would have to be English II and Algebra I. In 2008, the final three EOIs were put in place – Geometry, Algebra II, and English III. As a teacher, I never had to care how my students did on the tests. We had them for information only (those were the days). I just taught and hoped I taught well. I didn’t use any test results to confirm or disconfirm that.

As an administrator, though, I can’t remember a time I haven’t been at least partially focused on the scores. I’ve watched them move with the political whims and just hoped that whoever I happened to be working for came out well in comparison to the state and surrounding communities. Meanwhile, I hear the complaints of teachers and principals everywhere telling me that testing narrows the focus of the curriculum.

With that said, let’s start the list…

Reasons to Replace the EOIs with the ACT

  1. Students don’t care about the EOIs – In December, I participated in a High-Stakes Testing (HST) Summit along with members of several groups from around the state. The 50 or 60 people there came from the classroom, the school office, the central office, parent groups, church coalitions, community groups, tribal leadership, various advocacy groups, and elected office. Most importantly, we also had two high school seniors with us. We divided into three smaller groups, and I met with the one tasked with discussing state and federal testing requirements.As often happens in groups, we pulled out chart paper and began brainstorming. Never one to throw out good ideas – mine or those of other people – I took pictures of each page. I won’t fill this space with all the pictures, but I will share the one titled, “Concerns With Testing.”

    Concerns with Testing
    For those of you reading in email and perhaps not seeing the picture, we had several issues listed, including the fact that students are focused on tests that colleges use. For most Oklahoma children, this means the ACT. The two seniors both mentioned that they had passed enough EOIs early in high school to graduate, making their remaining tests irrelevant.

    For many students, Advanced Placement courses are also a greater focus. If you’re a junior taking AP US History, which is more important to you? The AP test, or the EOI? One of them could earn you college credit. Passing the EOI is equivalent to getting an extra gold star on your high school transcript. Sure, it makes your teacher look good – and I’m all for that – but it does nothing for the student.

    While I would love to see Congress pass a replacement to NCLB that didn’t require annual testing in reading and math and then testing once in high school, it’s not realistic to think that this option has a chance. Let yourself dream for a moment, though. If this somehow happened, more than 70 percent of Oklahoma students would still take the ACT. Whether you like the test or not, it matters to our high school students.

  1. Colleges don’t care about the EOIs either – In the four years that Oklahoma spent wading in the shallow end of the Common Core swimming pool, the funniest thing I heard was that colleges were going to start using PARCC and Smarter Balanced assessments (the Common Core testing groups) as part of the college admission process. Maybe this isn’t as laughable as the thought of colleges using the EOIs, since there would have been some level of national comparison possible from the tests. Still, it wasn’t going to happen. The SAT (a College Board product) and ACT (owned by ACT, Inc.) are exams with decades of history.Yes, both tests are going through a redesign. They do this every so often. When I took the ACT in the late 80s, it had a Social Studies section. When my wife took it in the early 90s, it didn’t. More recently, both the SAT and ACT have added writing components. As the tests changed, the respective companies communicated these changes to the colleges and high schools that utilize them.
  1. This measure would save Oklahoma families money – Each ACT a student takes costs $38.00. If the student adds the writing section, the cost jumps to $54.50. While this isn’t a back-breaker for most families, the reality is that many students take the exam multiple times. They want to increase their score, or they’re applying to a college that uses superscoring, which takes the highest subsection from each test to generate a higher composite score. If the state paid for one test for each high school student – and did it during the sophomore year – this would help parents out a little bit and give students an early idea of how much work they need in order to prepare for college.
  1. This measure would save the state money – For fiscal conservatives such as the naysayers on the Editorial Board of the Oklahoman, this reason should really punch their ticket to the show. Our current battery of EOIs costs the state just a hair short of $7 million. That’s just the testing contract. This figure doesn’t count the cost of staff to manage the program, interpret the results, lead all the committee work that goes into the development of test items and standard-setting, or the legal staff necessary to pull us out of contracts (or negotiate settlements) when the testing program breaks. Every student taking one ACT, by the SDE’s math, would cost about $1.5 million.I haven’t heard a proposal to do this, but I’d like to see the state go a step further. If students took the ACT during the sophomore year, they would quickly know what areas need the most improvement. This could drive course selection (a bonus for the people who like rigor) and remediation opportunities – in real time, rather than months after testing concludes. Then, the state could pay for a student to take a second ACT during the junior year – any time during the junior year. Now we’ve subsumed the ACE remediation budget into testing. That’s another $8 million, based on the budget for the current school year.

    In a year with a $600 million shortfall, leaders need to find ways to save money without hurting schools. This would be the epitome of such an effort.

  2. The ACT would fulfill NCLB Requirements – In spite of what the Oklahoman published this morning, all we have to do to comply with No Child Left Behind and its waiver is test reading, math, and science once during high school. The ACT would take care of that. We’d have to write this plan into a revision of our NCLB waiver, but that process is about to start anyway.

Still to Come in Part II

  • The benefits of using a test that K-12, Higher Ed, and Career Tech all value
  • Overtesting – yes, it’s a real thing!
  • The value of timely feedback
  • Schools making better use of all those parent and community volunteers (in case anyone still believes private schools have the market cornered on parental involvement)
  1. Anonymous 11
    March 1, 2015 at 2:49 pm

    I would love to see every 10th & 11th grader take the test in the Spring–and the most-motivated seniors can spend their final year trying to advance their scores.

    Depending on the “stakes,” of course. I’m fearful that this would push schools to force every student into ACT Prep classes, eliminating choice-electives, & maybe undermining the importance of the exam itself.

    Still, I think that this is such a simple solution. Kids will get an exam that actually has purposes and insights regarding their futures. Teachers can teach to the limits of their disciplines without pressures to “teach to the test.” And eliminating 7 EOIs will free-up so much time for teachers, various counselors and support personnel, and the KIDS. Anybody who has spent time in a large high school during testing-season knows that our current system is an administrative nightmare. And nothing really gets done, anywhere. What a waste!

    Lastly, maybe discussion can shift toward COLLEGE READINESS in a real way–we use that word a lot in my school, but I fear that it’s just lip-service. Maybe we don’t do a good enough job identifying kids that aren’t college-bound and providing them with realistic alternatives. Maybe a yearly-ACT check would help us serve this population better before it’s all too late.


  2. sandycreekpecans
    March 1, 2015 at 4:29 pm

    The comments that I see opposing the ACT as the graduation test is that many students will not go on to college. Oklahoma has the KEYS Test which many high schools use for those who do not pass their required EOIs. This would be a very acceptable measurement of those high school students not on the college track.


  3. sandycreekpecans
    March 1, 2015 at 4:31 pm

    Forgot to add….as a teacher…in total agreement with your comments.


  4. 5th Generation Teacher
    March 1, 2015 at 4:40 pm

    We have to quit sending students to college with false hopes and dreams!! Because of the current cut scores for EOI’s many students think they are ready for college and end up taking zero level reading and math courses.

    Here is a list of cut scores along with percentages:

    Algebra 1 27/55 or 49%
    Geometry 28/55 or 51%
    Algebra 2 27/55 or 49%

    English 2 36/66 or 55%
    English 3 36/72 or 50%

    I have heard high school teaches make negative responses about middle schools and elementary schools and the A-F Report Card. Let me throw out their cut scores and percentages:

    3rd Grade Math 35/50 or 70%
    4th Grade Math 34/50 or 68%
    5th Grade Reading 35/50 or 70%
    6th Grade Reading 33/50 or 66%
    7th Grade Reading 34/50 or 68%
    8th Grade Math 23/50 or 56%



  5. joeddins
    March 1, 2015 at 4:42 pm

    Excellent observations. Thank you. I was in the room observing, when the ACE Task Force added Geometry and Algebra II EOI tests to their recommendations.The discussion and reasoning that supported the useless additions are unforgettable.
    Also, for the 50,000 students enrolled in the 9th grade last September 2014, your discussion is quite relevant for the 25,000 with above average academic achievement. For the 25,00 below average there could be significant areas of irrelevance. Joe Eddins, 918-256-2205


  6. Bec
    March 1, 2015 at 7:10 pm

    I agree with all your comments. I would remind everyone that the ACT offers the PLAN and EXPLORE tests for lower grades. (I am not sure if it is for 7th and 8th or 8th and 9th.) Also the disruption of a high school during the testing cannot be overstated nor can the stress levels for students and teachers.


  7. Bec
    March 1, 2015 at 7:34 pm

    Few other thoughts: There will be no field tests. Results will be received early enough to be of use. There will be no technology problems to interrupt the tests. How about this: The state will not need to sue the testing company! Teachers and students will not suffer with stress-induced headaches, diarrhea, twitches, vomiting, mouth sores, etc. I will quit; I know that I preaching to the choir. Keep up the good work!


  8. Anonymous
    March 1, 2015 at 8:58 pm

    There are several schools in Oklahoma taking the ACT aspire summative benchmarks. The elementary math scores are horrible. It may be that the ACT math test and reading tests are aligned to the common core standards. Are we ready to label our elementary schools, students, and teachers as ineffective? These scores will be tied to the A-F report card and to a teachers evaluation. If I recall last year, the percentages of high schools making a passing grade was higher than the percentage of elementary or middle schools scoring proficient. It will take several years for the alignment of the standards and the ACT test to show any kind of growth. Just something to think about.


    • March 1, 2015 at 9:14 pm

      That’s a good point. I’m ready for Oklahoma to look at how we could possibly use the Aspire assessment, but I’m not convinced it’s the solution for 3-8 testing. That’s why I’m limiting my thoughts to ACT replacing EOI for now. We know that whatever the state does about testing, five years from now, Oklahoma kids will still be taking the ACT.


    • J
      March 2, 2015 at 8:40 pm

      The ACT scores are lower because the math content is harder on the ACT then on the math EOI’s. The ACT math section is 5%-10% Trigonometry which currently isn’t a required course to graduate. It is also timed vs. EOI’s which are not timed.


  9. March 3, 2015 at 10:43 am

    I think your examples are exactly relevant as an OKC schools graduate that actually took EOIs. The tests are so easy that it isn’t a big deal to anyone, especially an AP student.
    At Harding our teachers would read us the practice questions the day before so we wouldn’t be stressed. That was all the prep we did. We would laugh at how easy the questions were. The teachers and admin just told us the tests were important for our schools charter etc. and to take them seriously then we would go about our day.

    It really is embarrassing how easy they are. Based on our pass rate and number of students, even our special needs kids were passing.

    In schools where the pass rate is close to zero in some subjects it makes you wonder what the hell they are doing. Obviously not teaching.


  1. March 2, 2015 at 10:27 pm
  2. March 5, 2015 at 1:23 pm
  3. March 6, 2015 at 7:00 am
  4. May 15, 2015 at 9:29 pm
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